Sunday 19 December 2010

Oursi bird counts – report to the Cambridgeshire Bird Club

As reported in earlier postings, the local Site Support Group supported by Fondation des Amis de la Nature (NATURAMA, BirdLife partner organisation in Burkina Faso) has undertaken bird counts at Lake Oursi. For the period December 2009 to June 2010, this work has been supported by the Cambridgeshire Bird Club. We have received a comprehensive report from NATURAMA about this survey work. Surveys have been undertaken on a monthly basis, with 13 transects covering the lake and the surrounding drylands. The five counts between November 2009 and March 2010 resulted in a total of 265,546 individuals counted in 53 species, among them 20 species of wader (see posting below for details). During the April count, 50 species were observed with a total of 64,974 individuals. The most numerous species were Fulvous Whistling-Duck (9033 individuals), Garganey (7138), Cattle Egret (7000), White-faced Whistling Duck (6550), Black-tailed Godwit (5494), Ruff (5221), Purple Gallinule (4961) and Spur-winged Goose (3104).

The survey work in 2009 and 2010 has allowed for an improved understanding of where the priority sites for birds are located in the area. The Site Support Group, which also runs a programme of environmental education, focused in particular on school children, will continue the survey work. A copy of the report to the CBC (in French) is available for CBC members from peterherkenrath(AT)

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